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TGOC 2022 - Torridon to Kinnaber Links Days 13 & 14 - Tarfside to the Coast via Edzell

TGOC 2022 - Torridon to Kinnaber Links
Days 13 & 14 - Tarfside to the Coast via Edzell

And nay, the end was in sight.

Day 13  - Tarfside to Northwater bridge via Edzell (27.2km 245m)

My original plan was to wade the river and then go via the Hills of Wirren.
OK, TBH, I have done this before, and it is s a lovely route to do solo.


The forecast was low(ish) cloud and some rain.
And Martin still had a sore calf.

Well, I decided that as he'd never done it, and we'd done hills last 2 days, I'd be tour operator and we'd just bimble down the road, over the bridge and have a scenic walk via Esk and then the Rocks of Solitude into Edzell , where we can buy pies and beer and have coffee and a rest before that bloody awful road trek down to the campsite.
TBH, it isn't that bad anyway.

So, we had a reasonably leisurely breakfast, that may have involved Bacon Rolls and Tea, paid up our bills (well, some of it, I had to pay the extra £10 when I got to Montrose) because for some reason, going to the Mason's last night had unexpectedly drained my cash resources.

And so after some breakfast banter Martin and I set off down the road, with a visit to the Church. I have walked past it a lot over the years, but hadn't been inside since 1995, my first TGOC, when Mrs Guthrie used to run the hostel.

We were in bimble mode today.
There was no rush, and before long Phil Holden had caught us to complete my tour group for today's outing.

Together was carried on down the road, past The Retreat where another year, a 2nd breakfast may have been partaken, but sadly now shut. Oh well, at least we wouldn't have to look at those really spooky pictures that hung on the walls.

And then it was off again past the corner where the Sand Martins fly and onwards to cross over the bridge to the South side of the Esk.

This is a nice gentle walk (ok, in nice weather), and takes in some really pretty scenery.

The bridge at Milden Lodge

Martin & Phil

It's actually a lot further than you think to the small bridge back across the river to head to the Rocks of Solitude, but very nice.

We stopped here for a bit of a snack and water before heading up the track to the road and a brief walk down to the rocks.
And luckily, it pissed down with rain, just as we reached the road.
I didn't bother with waterproofs , although the others did.
By the time we turned off to the rocks walk, it had more or less stopped anyway.

Once we got to the rocks, the clear path down, was no longer apparent, due to the number of fallen trees. In fact, this was going to be a theme all the way along.
Some actually across the path.
And the little commemorative bench seat half way along was totally devastated.

It's still a fabulous walk though, despite the tree hurdling and detours.
And the pictures cannot do justice to the gorge, nor the vertigo inducing views down.

I'd somehow snuck ahead a bit by the time we got to the Blue Door, so I waited there.

From here it's a quick nip across the bridge and then pick up the track down the opposite side of the river to Edzell.
Even more track chaos here, as the fallen trees and subsidence, meant a new track at the start.
Later on, even this track was gone and we needed to clamber over a barbed wire fence and walk through the field on the last bit down to the path through the new housing estate and into Edzell itself.


The Tuck In was closed (it was a Tuesday) 😯😱

Luckily, the bakery opposite was now a fine coffee shop.
And with the bloody rain suddenly arriving, a very very welcome refuge.

Several coffee's later, and a trip to the butchers for pies, and to the shop opposite for...... alcohol (one had prosecco, it may have been an error of judgement), it was time to head over the bridge, and via Chapelton and the tedious walk down the road to North Water Bridge Campsite.

Booked in, Paid, Tent up, showered (bloody good showers), and although a tad chilly, no rain as such, it was party time.

I took no pictures of this.
TBH, for some bizarre reason, I appear to have next to no fucking recollection of the latter stages of the evening. I'm sure this had nothing to do with anything consumed. No sir. I'm a good boy I am.
Must have been tiredness  😬.......

A rare moment when I was vertical and OK.
It was the bloody standing up that was the catalyst 

Day 14  - Northwater bridge to Montrose via Kinnaber Links
                (17.9km, 122m)

Up and ready to go, long long before Mynott had even shuffled anywhere near ready (they had a car), Martin, Phil and I were off again. Tracy was to follow shortly.

I felt that the first few kilometres, were going to be a bit painful.
My head hurt, and my stomach was on some sort of wash cycle.
Fingers were crossed on this one.
The campsite toilet had done all it could to assist.

Just past the Mains Of Gallery, we cut off onto the track.
It's no shorter, but it does avoid the local commuter traffic for a bit.
Well, assuming you survive the lottery of crossing the A90 just after the campsite.

Once back on the road, it's a short trek down to the turning under the bridge, and then a right turn onto the path the south side of the river, that via a track to Craigo, and then a narrow wooded path, eventually takes you down to the small church at Logie.

A quick right turn up to the main road and then across to pick up the track all the way down to Hillside 

Did I mention it pissed down again on the way to Logie?

Once in Hillside, you can almost taste the strawberries and the coffee.
After what seemed like a decade (<2 km) we were there.
Another bloody oasis of wonderfulness at Charlton Farm.

Weary feet, and shoes off.
Coffee and Strawberry Tart's the order of the day.
Why would I ever NOT come here, as part of my route?

Who knew they made ladders out of Ducks?

One day, Martin will look happy in a photo.
Na.....probably not 😂😂

Carl and Gabriella

How many is too many?

A man on a mission.

And then it was time to shove those packs on and walk down to the beach for yet another TGOC

As we crossed the road, the heavens looked like rain.
As we approached the small building just before the dunes, all hell fell from the sky and we took refuge inside a rather nasty old bit of shelter, amidst waste and the odd potential for treading in some old human shit.
Bloody lovely.... 



Phil, Me & Martin

That's it, 15 done!

Well, just that walk down the beach back into Montrose and book into the Park Hotel left to do.

I had a twin room booked, as I was going to be doing this with Keith.
As it turns out, Martin was sorted.
No more tents and campsites for the boy!

And of course the essential signing off and stuff collection.

No Trowel or digging needed

Bath done.
Rest done.
Walk into town to find some trousers for the Meal Done!

Now, these I have to mention.
My trousers were no beyond dirty and TBH, bleeding stinky.
I now had a Tee shirt, and clean undies and socks, but the trousers 😨 

So, along with other stuff, a short trip to the Oxfam shop.

Imagine my happiness when I found in there, IN MY SIZE, a pair of 
Crag Hopper Cut-Offs.

Not only that, but priced at £5


£5 ........................  😲

I shit you NOT!      KERR-CHING!

These were brand new.
Never worn.
They even had the unused waterproof phone case in the pocket.

These are my TGOC 202? trousers.
They were much better than the pair of Decathlon Cut-Offs that I had crossed in.

And thus it was time for a trip to the bar, and the meal.
AND... To Watch Gordon get his 10th

I did warn him they had moved from Whisky to Prosecco the year I did mine.
Progress is NOT ALWAYS GOOD is all I'm saying.


And then back to the bar, for general banter.

Two of the really great things about not so many people at the meal are.

1. You can actually get a drink inside of an hour
2. You can actually hear yourself think.

A big thanks to Martin and Carl for some of the above pictures as my picture taking was a bit woeful. OK at NWB I have no fecking idea what happened anyway.

And suddenly after all that it was all over!

Then the next morning, breakfast, and on the way home.
The journey was OK, but nobody to chat to was a bit boring.


1st Class Rail isn't what it used to be!
Probably called that because most of the Tuna was scrubbed out?

How it should be?

If I've missed anything crucial out, let me know!

And thus it really was all over now 😥

I had said to Sue  when checking in.

"That's it, 15 done, that's my last"

She just looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

Ahhhhhh, they know me soooo well.

Anyway, the applications for 2023 are out in just over a month.

See you then if I'm lucky ðŸ¤žðŸ¤ž

So, to finish...

Here's the TGOC song one more time, with the Video Fly Through of my crossing
A picture of the lyrics to sing along.

See you all soon I hope 

** Up for Sale shortly... Watch the board..

Dan Durston X-Mid 2P (2020 model) mesh inner
Tarptent sil Notch (2018 model with velcro door flaps)
Tramplite 40L Pack (19.5" C7 to Iliac crest, med belt - Rare as hens teeth)