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TGOC 2012 Interactive Route (The 3 Stooges)

This is our intended TGOC route for 2012 
Well read on for a bit obviously. The first bit explains what a pain in the arse it was getting the map to work on blogger.

I was hoping to make it interacactive and I have now, but I had a number of technical issues.

Firstly Blogger insisted on putting a  2mm  frame round each map segment, which made it look bloody ridiculous.

Then when I finally tried to publish it after the preview worked just fine, I started getting an http server error on the maps.

I am now investigating why this is with the technical folk at OS open source mapping.
I think the silly grid lines is a blogger issue, although there is a solution below.
I thought it was to do with the image frame, but I have now added some css stuff to stop that on pictures and it still does it on their bloody interactive map.

IF, I ever get a resolution from blogger,  then I will publish how it should be done on here.

I have had a response from OS Opensource though and they say that the iframe solution is the one that they recommnd, so there you go.

And as you can see I have the solution which places the OS map that needs to be sited on another site, in an interactive frame works.

See Interactive frame below ............ 
(It was iframe idea initially from Alistair's comment  NICE!)

You can View/Download a PDF of how I did it from HERE
The map above is interactive.
Use the controls or mouse and scroll wheel to scroll the map and also to zoom in and out.
You can go to 1:25000 beyond that you lose detail.

Below is a static map of the route. (you have already seen this on Alan's Blog)

If you click on this link BELOW you will be able to jump to a bigger version of the interactive map on my other site.
Once there, you can use the mouse to scroll the map, and also zoom in and out down to 1:25000 scale
It is a not completely accurate and some bits will change with the weather, BUT it is definitely accurate enough!

OK, the last day is seemples, and we are finishing at St Cyrus (again) but heh, look at the rest of it!

The route is courtesy Alan (BOSS MAN) Sloman and the other two poor sods who are doing it are Myself and Dave Wilkinson.

This is Dave's first and a pretty harsh intro it is too. :)

If the map above does not work for you then

Julian Sas - Looking For a Friend Full Version


  1. It looks like you've got a good route planned!

    I too had trouble getting OS OpenSpace to work in my blog initially, but I managed to resolve it eventually. However given that was around 2 years ago, I'm struggling to remember exactly what I did! It's not perfect now as once I got it working OK, I stopped tweaking it!

    I display my maps using an iframe within my blog and I seem to remember that I had to define the size, margin and frame border in the css section of my blog's html template.

    Regarding the http server error, I too had these when I first started and when I changed my domain name. After checking that I was using the correct OpenSpace API key for my new domain, I found that the only way I could resolve it was to completely clear my browser history and cache.

    It will be interesting to hear what Blogger and the OS say about this issue...

    Good luck!

    1. It seems everyone but me has taken two steps backwards...

      I had exactly the same problem when I tried OS open Source mapping - I ended up with incredibly thick blues gridlines all over the shop.
      So, I abandoned it and waited to find someone who *had* done it properly, so I could ask them!

      So - sort it, please!

    2. Hopefully I will get some feedback tomorrow.
      No response at all today from either party, but it is Sunday.
      I think the gridlines are an issue with Blogger.
      Maybe they can gice me the correct css code to stop it.
      The reference issue may well be a cache thing.
      I just cleared that and it previewed ok.
      I am going to try the published version and see what happens.
      It should not be this much bloddy hassle though.

  2. NOPE... Previews OK, but when you try to publish I get This ridiculous grid
    As I said, it should be easier than this, but no one seems to know how to do it.
    So we are waiting on the blogger techies.

  3. Bloody result or what?

    Nice one Alistair, it was the comment iframe that sorted it out.
    That is an Interactive Frame rather than a Div frame for those that know what the hell I am talking about.
    I will shortly put a link to a pdf file that explains how to do this.
    In a word, you need to point a frame to the interactive version of the map on another web site, and that link sits inside an iframe element.

    But it is late and I have to work tomorrow.

    Al..I will email you the details some time tomorrow mate!

    1. Glad to see you've managed to get it to work :)

      And you don't have the annoying gap underneath the map that I have either! Would you mind emailing me the details of how you've done it too as it might help me improve my maps as well?

  4. Alistair. I do not have your email address.
    Can you send it to me, or put a link here.
    Then I will send the PDF to you.
    Unless Alan forwards it to you (I asked him to if he has your email).

  5. Looks good for the 3 Stooges!

    Do you guys know what you are doing? Those Hill of Wirren have been know to swallow folk whole!!

    This is also my route from Tarfside to NWB, so there could be 4 missing folk, at least!

    The weather will be good for this bit though.

    As for the technical bits. Bows down in admiration. Groucho tried to guide me through some simples stuff and I demonstrated my distinct inability to comprehend even the basics!

  6. I have done those hills before Gordon (twice), but Alan has always intended to but not done them, so this is the year MAYBE!

    On the day you can never tell.

    First time I was up there, there was a NEW tractor buried up to the cab in a bog.
    There was no one in it though.
    At the time I had just electrocuted myself on one of those bloody fences, and was commando crawling under another.

    1. Me to, Andrew, just the once.

      Couldn't see a thing - got electrocuted many times and was up to my neck in mire (slight exageration!)

      Didn't see any tractors.

      Should be good!

  7. Lost me. But no surprise there, it's a map ;-D

  8. Louise: You can use the map to scroll in to find out exactly where you are.


  9. Your map is fun, the instructions to do one of my own? Lost me. Took me two years to work out the bit I did the other day! I'll get there. One day. Maybe.

  10. As you saw above, I got good feedback from OpenSource.
    BUT I still have had NOTHING relevant from Blogger.
    I assume that they have NO IDEA.
    As much use as a chocolate Teapot, but nowhere near as tasty.

    What was I expecting? :)

  11. Hi Andrew,
    i am just looking at your interesting route and was wondering how you are going to get across the River Spean just east of Spean Bridge.
    Being facetious i thought you might be doing a Bear Grylls and swimming it but i have a doubt about that and maybe you can let me know for future reference. thanks.

  12. Bit of a plotting cock up that.
    We are actually crossing further back on the road.
    My one complaint of OS Open Space maps is the sensitivity of the interface, and the fact that
    it is a bit of a faff to edit.

    9/10 for me then. :)

  13. I did think that might be the case. Then i thought Alan might have alternative plans after coming out of the Commando bar in Spean Bridge.

    Your plotted route will certainly test the thigh muscles and the knees. That track from Spean bridge to Corrour always seems to take an age to get through for some reason but its nice.
