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So, just over a week to go.

Time for that final kit decision.

All is ready, parcels done and sent off, assorted gear checked out.
I had set myself a goal this year to get under 27lb
(that does not inc Poles and Shoes),

BUT, I may not achieve that, because that would involve things like writing big lists,
and worse than that, getting out scales and weighing stuff, and then cross referencing duplicate items
and decision making on what does not need to go, and that is all a bit
ANALLY retentive isn't it. (Is that 2 L's or just the 1?)

So, instead I am just going to make a list of what I reckon I need and will take.
I am not going to make a complete item by item list, (well I might)
because things like washing kit,
and medical supplies (non alcoholic), are all rather personal aren't they?
I mean, my boss Mr Sloman, has a list of medication that fills half his rucksack.

Anyway, here is my list (PROBABLY)!

Now, having looked at that kit, there may be some Ultralight fanatics that will say.

"Well, you don't need that"
"And why have 2 of those?"

And my answer to you would be

NO.....YOU don't need that!

BUT...YOU are not carrying it, so it is indeed irrelevant.

You are of course entitled to your opinion even if you are wrong!

Shoes Innov8 Roclites
Lightweight Gelert GAITERS
Berghaus Men's Temperance II GORE-TEX Pro Shell Jacket
(yes I know Al, we'll look like bloody twins darling)
Paclite waterproof Trousers
Montane Windproof (32g)
PHD Minimus 400 Down Jacket
Smartwool Top
Smartwool 3/4 bottoms
Merino T Shirt
Paramo Short Sleeve Shirt
Montane Terra Pants
Montane Hat
Merino Buff
Fleece Balaclava
X socks trekking 3 pairs
Sealskinz Trekking
Down Socks (bloody marvellous)
Smartwool Boxers
Katmandu merino Boxers
Midge Hat
Buffalo Mitts
Gortex Over Mitts
Thin Outdoor gear gloves
Crocs (just for Humph :)
GEAR (inc Electrical etc)
Tent (Trailstar)
Pegs - 1 x Blizzard, 2 x 9", 7 x 7" Titanium (2 spare)
SilNylon Groundsheet (homemade)
Microfibre Flannel for condensation and Tent Cleaning
Marmot Sleeping Bag
Silk Liner
MLD Ultralight Bivy Bag (200g)
Neo Air (Full Length)
Inflatible Pillow (20g)
Thermarest Sit Mat
Exos Rucksack (46L) +Pod Rain Cover
Rucksack Dry Liner
Pacer Poles
Higear Blaze Titanium Stove (48g) Not sure where I got 32g from?
Primus Gas 250g
Primus wind shield
Titanium Mug + Scourer
TGO Plastic Mug
Delios Filter
Platypus 2L
Leatherman Lightweight tool
Petzl eLight Torch
Mini Maglite
Spare Torch batteries
Samsung Galaxy S2 Mobile + Spare battery
Phone Charger (also charges MP3)
Pentax Optio WG1 Camera and Spare Battery
Lowpro Camera case
Sansa Clip MP3 player and headphones
X mini speaker (it is well light)
Duck Tape
Spare Boot Lace
Tenacious Tent Repair Tape (trust me)
Cash and 1 Credit/Debit Card
Rail Tickets
Reading Glasses (I forget them once - buggered)
Harmonica in A or G (Maybe?)
Printed Maps (some posted in parcels)
Satmap GPS
Set of spare GPS Batteries (3 x AA)
Compass + Mini Compass & Thermometer
Ortleib A5 Map case

Creams etc are usually in small 30ml travel pots
Toothbrush & Tootpaste (mini tube)
Cut Down Microfibre Towel
Gel Soap
Microfibre Flannel
Toilet Paper + Lighter
Wet Wipes in a plastic zip bag

Blister Plasters + New Skin
Steri Strips
Gauze Pad
Small Pot with Foot Talc in
Gehwol Foot Cream (small tube)
Vaseline Tin
Nail Scissors
Roll of 2½ " Micropore
Physio Tape (I broke my leg once it was bloody useful)
Sun Cream (ski size tube) includes a lipsalve
Insect Repellent (A Vogel)
20ml pot Avon Skin So Soft Oil
Tick Puller
Immodium (Oh Yes)

FOOD (This is subjective and also route specific)
3 x Outdoors Grub Meals (per night camping)
Some in parcels - 5 needed for Spean Bridge to Braemar
Jelly Babies (must have)
Lucozade Energy Sweets (pkt)
Chocolate Bars (unknown no, minimum 2)
Energy Drink Powder
300ml Single Malt
400ml Sloe Gin or Port
Instant Soup 3 pkts
Instant Chocolate or Coffee Drink 4 pkts
The rest varies but might at any time include
Cheese or Cheese spread
Bottle Lucozade
Nuts and Raisins

Well, that is about it.
I have probably forgotten something.
I will add it when I pack.

I might NOT need it all, but I am certainly going to take it all. (Probably)

NOW, IF you should spot some essential bit of kit I have forgotten, please let me know in a comment.

It might be life saving, or life changing :)

A bit annoyed that Lucy or someone appears to have given me a bit of a snuffle.
Need to get rid of it by next Wed that is for sure, or I will be adding cold cure tables to my list

Oceansize - Track Rinsed - Album Effloresce


  1. I think, umm, you've got that just about right.

    There is one bit of lfe saving gear that's missing.

  2. I just added my DOWN SOCKS.
    But what is missing then ????????

    1. Umm, them too.

      But, still that vital piece of gear.

      I'll tell you in Montrose.

    2. It could be too late by then Gordon.
      I might not make it, and that would be the one thing that could save me :)

    3. Life's tough ............. lol.

  3. Blimey
    I don't have a list yet. Perhaps I should have had as I have just sent off my parcel to Spean Bridge without the spare batteries...

    You *do* seem to have a vital item missing though...
    Just sayin'

  4. Andrew, you are somewhat under-supplied. A standard pub measure is I think about 25ml. You therefore have just over one slug of whisky and one of sloe gin. FOR A FORTNIGHT? Have you signed the pledge or summat???

    And a harmonica? In your wash kit? All I can say to that is don't practise "You'll never walk alone", 'cos in my experience the man with a harmonica usually does.

    Alan took a harmonica once with 'Mad Dog' Cody. It mysteriously disappeared on day two. As 'Mad Dog confided to me, "It was either him or the bloody harmonica going into that loch, but he had the maps."

    ... you're not attaching cymbals to your knees are you? Don Partridge style?

    Rosie, oooooooh Rosie .... to fade ...

    1. Ah you spotted my lack of measuring skills.
      Of course that was 300ml and the other one is actually 400
      NOW, that's more like it :)
      And there is also the supplies sent to Spean Bridge and Braemar.

    2. I have of course amended the KIT list correctly now. :)

      Well, apart from the LIFE SAVING omission. :(

  5. And what's wrong with a good list? Mine is a spreadsheet, with weights in grams. Regularly updated with new bits of kit (I don't have much, koff...) it's easy to see what to take and what to leave behind. Can't beat a good list, lists are my friends.

  6. The LIFE SAVING omission - omitting the harmonica could well save your life ;-)

    1. Indeed, but whose?

      In the event of a local rift I can use it like an inverse Pied Piper and drive Sloman and Wilko away.
      It has worked before you know. :)

  7. Oooh - I hadn't thought of that.

  8. That Higear Titanium stove seems very light. Mine weighs 47gr.
    BTW Roclite spelt wrong.
    Do you need to add the list to the list so that you can add to it along the way the things you have forgotten?

  9. Well, Andrew - I lied.

    Your list is too much - but I couldn't suggest what to leave off as you may endanger your life.

    That's more than you have already - by leaving off that one vital piece of life-saving gear.

    Still, that's life.

    1. Gordon ... But NOT too much for me, just right.
      Apart from the missing life saving item. DOH!

      Alan I will not be taking a list.
      Roclite (I thought that when I read it, but was too lazy to change it).
      I have no

    2. Of course, if I have really left something vital off,
      I am BUGGERED,
      because this is the list of kit I am going to pack.

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  11. Great list, Andrew. It's just filled ten minutes of the time I should be spending on packing my own rucksack.... and thanks for reminding me that I need to refill my hipflask. Everyone else seems to be far more organised than me - but I don't catch the train until Friday morning, so plenty of time!

  12. All these lists make me feel a bit queasy and insecure. Maybe I should have this and that and maybe I've got the wrong one of those.

    I just received my Oook inner with it's silnylon floor - so why are you taking a groundsheet too? Is this for guests to lounge around on in your vestibule?
