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29th to 31st May 2014

Look I will write this up like everything else OK, or maybe I won't, but I will do the TGOC at some point soon maybe honest.

Look, I will, just not today OK!!!!

Anyway, I am still trying to get some money by doing daft shit like working, and also recovering from the KNEE OP.

Yeah, yeah, so it has only been 8 days.

OP was last Tuesday 3rd June @ 16.00

So anyway...

Friday 6th June    Cut The Grass

Sat 7th June          Did a 1.92 mile Walk round Lode

Sun 8th June         Did a 2.5 Mile walk around Quy Fen

Mon  9th June      Did a 3.5 Mile walk around Quy

Tue 10th June       Did an 11.2 mile MTB bike ride (mainly of road)

So yes, I admit the Physio was a bit surprised when I bounced in yesterday
Apparently at my age (the cheeky bugger) I cannot recover this fast, and he expected me to be limping, and struggling on stais, and have taken the painkillers that are still unopened in the box.

So I said, "well I have been walking on it."
"Ah good, around the house and garden?" he says

"Well, kind of" says I.
"I did 2 and a bit miles round the Fens yesterday, and 2 the day before"
"Anyway, seems ok, when can I get on my bike?"

I was told off, for not acting my age.

Given some extra hard exercises to do for people wot is recoverin' too bleeding fast, and told I could try a gentle bike at the end of the week if it felt ok.
Maybe a couple of miles 2 maybe 3.
So I took that to mean "do a proper bleedin' ride tomorrow init"

And in the meantime, I did a 3.5 mile walk that night.

Anyway, I have been good and done all my exercises and other stuff, and the only pain in my knee appears to be in the other one.

So as it happened, just before this, I went at very very short notice for a short trip to the lakes with Martin & Keith.

And bloody glad I did too, because it was an excellent trip.

OK, you have to ignore Martin blatherin' on about how good he is at erections.
I think that was what he was on about.
Anyway, I had been for a chat and a meander at the time, had unpacked most of the stuff in my pack on the grass, because I fancied a wee dram before starting, and was putting my tent up, while he was lying in his telling us how quick and easy and perfect his erection was.
Anyway, I was busy and didn't want to go and look in case I was accused of voyeurism or some such.

As it happens, the wild camp was bloody brilliant, and although bloody cold, when we went up to the top to take photos, an absolute cracker of an evening, and the next 2 days were to prove to be just as fine.

I am not going to describe the trip anyway.
That has all been done rather well by Martin on his BLOG HERE

So I did make a video that I tweeted which you can see below

The music is another one of those home grown things I am into at the moment.
In this one, Mad 'n Bad goes a we bit Santana(ish)

Anyway, it doesn't auto start and you can always turn the bloody sound down if you have NO musical taste!!

And below are a few of my favourite pictures.

Heading up from EskdaLe Green
It looked like it was going to be misty, but WOW how it cleared up

Helga hexPeak.
With the door shut she was bomber tight.
Martin contemplating his magnificent erection :-)
On Harter Fell

Views from Harter Fell
Martin on top of Harter Fell sunset

Harter Fell Sunset
Midge eating flower on my wander around Burnmoor Tarn

View Up Burnmoor Tarn Day 2

View Up Burnmoor Tarn Day 2
Final sunset at Burnmoor Tarn
Sun comes out view from Screes about 7.00am
Looking down from the top of Screes to Wastwater

So, there it is.




  1. Act your age you naughty man :-)

  2. "What more could I want?"
    A TGO Challenge write up?

  3. Top trip Andy. HexPeak is going back with that quilt (Sob :-( ) Till the next time.

  4. Shame. Good kit. Like my hex heaps now.
    Still, you have an SL3 so sorted.
    Now we both want hex v 2..

  5. Hi Andrew. Please settle an argument for me I had with another blogger. Harter Fell. I said it would be impossible to stand on the top (not the trig point, but that little rocky tor thing that appears in one of your photos) without using your hands to climb up there. He insisted that you could get to the top without the use of your hands.....it appeared that the old grouch Wainwright had not mentioned Harter Fell in his small list of fells he said you needed to use your hands to get to the top of. I reckon AW was wrong but apparently his word is more reliable than God's in some quarters.

  6. Hi Dave, I will answer your question. I have spent many happy hours on Barter as it used to be my marshal point in the Duddon valley fell race. It depends on the weather. If its dry and not windy you can do it hands free but most times I have used my hands. It also depends on how good your own balance and confidence is..
