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TGOC 2006 Day 05 (The Unravelling Part 2)

A day when I get fed up with waiting, which showed a total lack of empathy and leadership skills 🙆‍♂️

So today (that's now in 2020), I am attempting to write this, but also trying to learn
"Don't Let it Bring You Down" by Neil Young,
which is sung quite high, and is also in a C G C F A C tuning, so although most chords are ok, the transitions in the middle are quite difficult (well, they are for me at the moment)

So before we get on with the blog, here it is!

Day 05 Tue - Stronelairg Lodge to near Coignascallan via the Markie (24km 530m)

I cannot for the life of me remember what time we left.
I do remember at some point, we put Nick's Sleeping bag on the outside of the pack to dry out a bit.

That implies it was an ok day weather wise.

Over the small bridge and then right turn up the Markie.
I remember the track at this point being a bit hit and miss.

OK, so N was lagging behind again today, and so I went off ahead, once we got to the track, and then intermittently sat on a rock and waited until he caught up.
I didn't do this off-piste, and TBH it was poor team skills by me as it doesn't help the other person. That said, there are days that you just do need to walk a bit on your own.
When Al plans routes that I am involved in, he now puts in special
"Get rid of bloody Andy Up there for a while" bits.

Anyway, this was the way that the day panned out.

Zoom off, wait, walk a bit together, zoom off, wait ..........


Always check the stream before you collect water from it! 😱😨
It is indeed a really nice walk up the Markie, although this was the last time I did it, so no idea what sort of industrial desecration has been unleashed upon it now. I'm rather glad I was able to do the Monadhliath before the Scottish Government agreed to turn it into a building site! 

Up and over and heading down now on much bigger tracks, we eventually arrived at the Old and then the New Coignafern Lodge.

Nick heading along the Findhorn towards Coignafern Lodge

This is easy walking now along the Findhorn, and in only a few more kilometers we were at the bridge crossing a bit before Coignascallan, where we camped this side of the river, on the grass near the bridge.
A bit later on Pete and Trish would arrive here too for the nights camp, and more importantly, Trish hadn't fallen in a stream.

Lots of Deer 

Looking across the river down to the ruins, where there is some excellent camping.
Had I known, I would have probably gone down to there.
I spent an interesting night being battered by wind there one year.

Nick makes a better go of pitching the Saunders than I did in 2005

Lots and lots of dear about.
This is definitely a prime spot to pick up ticks.
I have NO idea if I got any.
I was very very naive about tick bites back then.

Pete and Trish

And, that was it really. I can't remember much more about that day...

Coming soon, the walk over to Aviemore and accommodation ! 


And if after all that, you want to know how to play that song then

Good Luck

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