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Today I washed the Car

Tue 6th Apr - It Must be Spring

Before you read this go and sign this  Action Against Windfarm Petition if you haven't already done so!

Anyway, it was a lovely day today, so a bit of a pity that I had to spend a chunk of it doing some work.
At least I was working at home. Mind you I had to because the car was having the second anti-roll bar on the front repaired. This time the left one, about 2 months ago it was the right one.
Now I am not saying that this has anything to do with the shocking state of our roads, nor the ludicrous number of badly maintained speed bumps that we have all over the place here in Fenland. But it is! I have also needed new tyres. Now I know tyres wear out, but these bloody pointless over height lumps of concrete and frost damaged tarmac do far more damage than good.

Anyway, because of that I had to work at home. Mind you I work at home a lot of the time.

So it was that along with clearing dog $hit off the grass, and other wonderful distractions that I spent my day. I did get a bit of work done as well though. A BIT!
Many cups of tea later, and in an attempt to NOT take that dog for a walk I decided that it was...

Time to Clean the Car (It must be spring)

After all it had a new bit on it. There was also the grime on the windows, and the rather illegal number plates (although I do try to keep them clean).
At this point it is important to understand that GOD has been cleaning the car for the last 3 years, and try as he does, he was not winning this task. So bucket in hand and hose at the ready it was time for cleaning. What I mean here is hosing and washing with a bit of hot water. None of that waxing and polishing crap. What would be the point now.
To my amazement I discovered the car was actually Black. Not the rather grimy brown grey colour I had come to see each day. I am not good at car cleaning. Several years ago someone asked me which car was mine. I cannot remember why they asked me.
"It was that one, the Nissan 200", I said. 
"Oh" he said, "the brownish one". (It was Blue!).
Well it is clean enough for me. One day I'll clean inside the bonnet as well (NOT).

So car cleaned and dog still looking at me I had to go for a run again.
Not feeling at my best since everyone here appears to have a cold (yet again).

It was beginning to get a bit dark
So finish up the day with writing a few more days of my 2008 Wainright c2c walk.
I think I am up to day 6 or 7 now. About half way anyway. I should have written a diary when I was doing it, because recall is getting quite hard. There's a link to it on the left somewhere as well.

Probably won't be adding too much to this for another week. This is because very little is going on, and I might well be getting Man Flu!

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