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It has been an interesting last few weeks.
Since I managed to recover (ish) from my excellent Christmas illness, everyone else in my house has been laid low with the dreaded lurgy.

Lucy has been ill. 
Harriet has had a cough and sore throat for the 3 weeks, 
and Olly has had the same thing to the point where he is now on antibiotics, and it's driving him nuts.

So, all in all we are having a joyful time here.

Add to that the ludicrous amount of work I have had to catch up with.

I was going to write about the bloody trouble Al and I had trying to get any sense at all out of Scot Rail and bargain berths on the sleeper.
I might dedicate an entire blog to that debacle, but now is not the time.

Sadly winter down here has been and gone.
It was last weekend, and very very pretty it was (be it all brief).

And because of that here are few pictures from the Fens.

View down our garden

Skaters on the Fen at Upware

Pond near Quy

The Summit on Quy Fen.
Ok it's a pile of rubble, but it's the highest point round here

A sign requesting NO Nudists
And they have cut down all their trees since last year
when people started cruising!

One of the Clunch Pits now frozen

I just liked this tree

The Pond from earlier the next morning

Frosted Reeds along the river

The other Clunch Pit frozen over

Along the River, this is the pond near Angelsy Abbey

And now it is just grey and overcast and raining.
Bloody miserable!
Personally I preferred the snow.

Actually it is now spring down here (nearly), and the early knockings of little yellow plant things that have a name that I do not know and actually don't care about, and what are probably snowdrops (minus the snow).

The difference a week makes .......

And then NO SNOW at all

But the snowdrops are out
And in our garden

Talking of snow.
I bought Lucy some Snow Socks for her car at Christmas.
They are proving to be very useful (NOT).

And before anyone says that was much of a present, she also got amongst other things,
a rather fine
North Face Arctic Parka which is apparently one of the best Christmas presents she has ever had. (And they were her words not mine, just so you know)
Of course I haven't bought her a present for 15 years so anything is good. (That is a lie by the way)

So anyway, where was I.

Oh yes MUSIC!

This is another Calvin Russell song - Baby I Love you 
from the Album Sounds From The Fourth World
 (It's an extra Valentine for Lucy because ............ )
<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.helions.co.uk/mp3/Baby%20I%20Love%20You.mp3" LOOP="3">


  1. It's always nice to share, or so I've been told. My children would tell you, I DON'T share, so nobody else has suffered my cold/tonsillitus. For some reason, this didn't bother them as much as when I'm snaffling a bar of Green & Blacks in the corner, grrrr!!

    Winter, what's that? :-)

  2. For some reason they blamed their mother rather than me.
    This is a good thing.
    Harriet is now on Penicillin for her throat infection (at last), after the swabs came back positive.
    Hopefully they will be feeling better by the middle of next week and we can get the buggers out of the house.
