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Nowt T' Say! But anyway ......Music

OCT 2012

And thus I am still struggling with neck pain, pins and needles in back, hands and strangely sensitive in fingers, plus other assorted weirdness like headaches, vision issues, tiredness, and other symptoms that no one can explain, and I have been to the medics.

And, it is still persisting after the trip the the physio and much twisting and bending,
so maybe it wasn't a trapped nerve or muscle spasms in the upper spine.

I did try Googling it but that takes you into a scary world of shit you don't want to read about.

And so, having pretty much Bugger All to say, I have decided just to post a few snippets of guitar music.
The first auto runs, but the others are by choice.
The music is mainly guitar.
I was going to upload some of me


The Web Cam did not work.
And you might not want to hear it anyway

The Grand Hotel Des Guitars - Mario Manzini

Also, because Carl said I had to put poetic stuff in since I said I was a bit of a serial, all be it poor poet, while we were in the Peaks,
I have, and so, here are three of the shorter ones under the heading 



A suitable Epitaph
enclosing characteristic hieroglyphics
All in rows
All in Lines
Partitions the garden
Where No One Grows


"The fighting at the front is hard
We’ll have to recruit some more corpses"


As a large section of head disintegrates

The homesick hero somersaults

And the war game
Continues .............   

And on that sombre note I will leave it.

Well apart from this short one ......

I offered her the World
And she took it ........

The rest are a bit longer so time to return to the musical clips

Giacomo Castellano
Listen to the Album Cutting Bridges
and in particular Garbage (NOT on YouTube)

Tristan Klein - Because we ended as Lovers

Lukas Nelson - Pali Gap & Hey Baby

Milan Polak - Sometimes I still Miss you

Luigi Schiavone - So Nice (that's the track name)

Marco Nista & lots of others Landscape

Concerto D' Aranjuez from Brassed Off
Love It

Same song by Paco De Lucia (an astonishing guitarist)

Yep, NOT your regular music, Walkers weird shit!


  1. Hmmm
    I would go and see another doctor. Pronto.
    Some nice music there, too.

  2. Going to see someone else this week hopefully.
    Of course in the standard surgery, you have to get an appointment first,
    and that is the problem.

    Dr DDDDD can see you in 2 weeks. :-(

    1. Well, I got one at 11.00.
      Got in at 12.00

      They want me to go and have an MRI of Spine and Head.
      Being set up at the moment.
      No idea when it will be though.
      Looks like 30+ minutes in a scanner though.

      Bit of a shit, but at least I should find something out.

      Well, you'd hope eh.

    2. Not claustrophobic are you? I hate those bloody machines.
      Best of luck fella.
      Can I have your Trailstar if things go badly?

    3. Yes you can.
      And Wendy and some nice Down socks and PHD Down trousers.

      Now just fingers crossed.

    4. Yes, I'll take the down booties and trousers. Oh yes.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
