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A ****ING Hard Bimble Round the Lakes with Mr RYE

Was this really just LAST weekend.

Ludicrously EARLY train last Fri to meet up with Martin Rye

And then a BLOODY EXCELLENT 2 days split over 2  x Wild Camps with Martin

I am as busy as ***K at the moment, so I will write it up in detail over the next couple of weeks, IF I can remember anything.

In the Meantime, there are these photos ...

Yeah, Yeah.. maybe a few words.
Look, it's all a bit vague now.

I ain't gettin' any ****ing younger you know.

How did the knee do.

WELL, funny you should mention that.


But it took 11 weeks not the 6 weeks they suggest to get better.
Well that is maybe because....

  1.  It is the 2nd op on the same knee
  2.  I is gettin' old init... And that is a BAD thing.. Age is a ***T

So back to the PLOT.

I had packed all my gear in the Gossamer Gear Mariposa, that I have now sold on.

No! It was great. I love it.
But I now have a Gorilla OK.
That link is the old one, the NEW one that Martin has is awesome.

So after a long drive and an early start (not in that order) with a short Butty and Caffeine Pit stop, we arrived in Keswick.

The weather was lookin' Goooood

A bimble into town for fluids and stuff and then off we were, up them hills.....

Now, as I say, since this was more than a week ago, I have forgotten everything about it apart from the good bits.
So, it will mainly be pictures, and maybe not even in sequence!!

And anyway, MARTIN wrote it all up
WITH VIDEO'S and Technology HERE

Day 1 (Friday)  11.6km 738m of ascent.

Like a Japanese Painting

View from Night 1 Camp above Blee Tarn

DAY 2 Sat - Blee Tarn to below Dale Head  

Looking Down Ennerdale

DAY 3 SUNDAY        Dale Head to Keswick Via Catbells

And there you go.

A bloody superb couple of days in good company.


But that's OK, cos is off with Carl and Lynsey next weekend, and off with Martin again hopefully some time in Oct,
if we can EVER get Keith to be available!!!!!!

OH ... By the way....

Anyone want to buy WENDY WARMLITE? ............  £145 delivered


  1. That phone takes some nice pics. I'm onto Keith. Have a cunning plan. Galloway maybe?

    1. I did some with the TZ40.
      I just couldn't see what I was taking.
      On a plus note it has been repaired under warranty & I already have it back.
      Top bloody service that I reckon.
      I have sold so much gear, I am thinking of getting the Fuji X20.
      The Canon G16 is another option. Close call, I really like both.
      I have to give the TZ40 to Harriet for her Photography A Level course
      She already has my Pentax 200D
      But fair play, I spent a ****ing fortune on Ollie's A Level equivalent Rugby Academy Course...

      Which brings me to Galloway
      Like the idea as long as it isn't too late in the month and the weather is good.
      By then however I will be in BIG PANTO Rehearsal mode
      so if it isn't in October, I AIN'T GOING so give Keith a BIG NUDGE!
      You thinking CAR or SLEEPER?
      Need to decide very very soon if Train..

      **** Me is it that late????

  2. Looked like cloud porn up there. Great pics.

    1. It was, and I love a bit of Ethereal Porn I do!

  3. A fine trip indeed as I noted on Martin's blog, very atmospheric skies too.
    We haven't been to the Lakes for a while, maybe I'm in for a shock with the industrialisation of some of the paths which were grotesquely obtrusive before. Even then we remarked that the eastern region in particular is being slowly but surely turned into a theme park.

  4. That all looks quite splendid, Sir.
    For some strange reason my blog list says you haven't updated this blog for over five months.
    Any ideas why?

  5. It will be blogger.
    It does the job, but it is fundamentally ****
    Rubbish editor.
    But Heh.. It's free so better than other options.
