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TGOC 2006 Days 10-12 Glas-allt-Shiel Bothy to the Coast

Ho hum... what happened next?
Well, that's a very very good question, and one which I may have to rack my brains to answer...

Lemmings - Van Der Graaf Generator
"There is No Escape except to go Forwards!"

Day 10 Sun Glas-Allt-Shiel Bothy to Tarfside (26.8 km 644m)

Oh oh far too early to get to to Tarfside.
Oh so much to learn.

My In-Laws had done this 11 times
But they never enlightened me to the glories of the social side.

I would actually have to wait until 2010 to discover that 🙆‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

The day started (after making sure that bloody log was out) and waiting for Nick, with a walk along the side of the loch, and then over to the Spittal.

Then heading up the Allt Darrie to find the route (again) over to the Bothy and from their up over Muckle Cairn.

Last Year I had sat in the middle in the sun on the way up here having a snack.
Somewhat more water this time.
We carried on over the top with the normal waiting game, and then from the bothy, headed up over Muckle Cairn

Mt Keen in the distance

Dropping down to Glen Lee

Towards the end of the Loch, Nick was flagging again.
I decided that the best way to get him to Tarfside was to crack on and try and get us into St Drostan's.

So after a stop by the small graveyard, I gave him the maps.
Explained the route (which is basically a straight line), and headed off ahead at pace.

Rest stop

As luck would have it, we did bag a room ok, so that meant that NO tents putting up.

Now much earlier on as we walked along, Nick had confessed that he much preferred valleys, and also being on a boat or Canadian Canoe to walking over big hills. This was the man who had wanted to do some big hills inc Ben Nevis & later Ben MacDui when we first looked at the maps.

So, we had a pleasant night in St Drostan's. Can't remember now who was there TBH, I am sure that N went to bed early though.

Day 11 Mon Tarfside to Edzell [B&B Doune House] (21 km 261m)

So, valley's all the way from now on it would be.
No massive rush today.
We were well ahead of the game and accommodation would be no issue at all.

We headed off after breakfast, past heading down over the road bridge and along the road to take the track to the bridge over the main river.
This was in fine fettle back then, gradually declining over the years and now boarded up and inaccessible, which is a shame, because it was a brilliant way across the Esk.

Looking back to the bridge.
It was a dull day as we headed up to find the track, and then follow the long but pretty route down the Esk. Stopping at times for a rest, as there was no real rush today.

When we finally got to Edzell, we found a B&B in the main High Street, near to the Post Office (Doune House).

Cleaned up and washed and refreshed, we went down to the Panacer Arms that night for food and beer.

Meeting up with some LEGENDS.

Remember, this was still the only the Monday.

David and John Towers and Judith in the Panacer Arms 2005

And then it was back to the B&B for a 6.30am departure tomorrow heading to Montrose. Nick wanted to head back, and the 12.30 or 14.30 train beckoned (again)

Day 12 Tue Edzell [Doune House B&B] to Montrose (19.6km 142m)

06:30 am departure from B&B

It was a mainly road walk all the way, with a couple of short stops.

Finally we approached Montrose, still early

And after about another 50 min (ish), we were in Montrose at the Park collecting stuff and Tee shirts.

That was No. 3 done and dusted.

No need to do any more now.
That was enough for me, time to move on.

We caught the train home, and I was back in Helions Bumpstead (where I was living at the time) by 20.00 hrs on the Tuesday.
When I should have been in the Masons. 🤷‍♂️

And that was the end of my 2006 crossing and my TGOC's


Nick and I did very little after that.
Eventually they moved away and some new neighbours (Toby and Fiona) moved in.

OH... YES!

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