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Back To ****ing Reality

Since My Last Post ................................................................

I am going to write this in a strangely convoluted manner.

As always.

BUT First Trains ... British Trains ... And ****sick people

So what happened ........................

Well, let me whinge about it.

There I was needing to go to Brampton in Cumbria on business.
I had managed to get a mega cheap rail ticket (£39.50) both ways.
I am now assuming that this was because I had to travel in a carriage opposite some bugger with a big nose and a cold.

Sneezy, sneezy coughy coughy.


At the time of course I was not to know that because these germ things take a time to incubate inside you.

So all went well, and I eventually arrived at Brampton.

OK, British rail as it is, I nearly missed a vital connection at Newcastle, because some bloke "wot didn't do 'is job proper", buggered up some equipment, that changed stuff and we ended up being behind a rather slow moving freight train at a very reduced speed.

As luck would have it, we arrived in Newcastle with 4 min to spare rather than the intended 40, and so I did arrive on time, where Neil, who I would be working with for the week, met me.
A damned fine chap is Neil, and not only did he transport me to Walton where I was staying in the bunkhouse, but also loaned me a bike for the week, and picked me up every morning, and took me back every night, come rain, hail or shine.

So, mainly rain then!

I was feeling damned good, and went for a rather fine run once I had got myself sorted out, from Walton to Walby and back

As I was saying, I was feeling good, but would not last thanks to that ***t on the train.
OK, he is probably a nice bloke but he was on MY train, and had a cold, and probably gave it to me, so nice bloke or not, he is a $**t

The weather for the run was good (despite the flies, and the rather wet ground underfoot )
Indeed, this is a rather nice little walk/run along green lanes that do not sport bikes, 4x4's or motor bikes.

I set off down the rather wet sheep field to the river.
Here there is a little waterfall at the bottom just after passing through the bottom gate

I also took this rather dreadful video of it.

After the river, there are several paths through fields until eventually we arrive at a set of steps that climb up, past a house where there was this fine fellow

Purple Thing

Not rained much then
I carried on for a while.

A damned long while in fact, until I decided that going back might be a good idea, what with pending rain, and darkness and stuff

Old building on route

A lovely green lane to run.
It was green honest.
Really green

Indeed, it was fine evenings run.

Later back at the bunkhouse, I was the only one staying tonight, so I poured myself a glass of wine or three, and settled down for the night.
I would need to be up early tomorrow, to go and do


I know, it had all been going so well until then

So, what happened tomorrow.

Oh yes, I did that work thing.
Got back about 7.00 and discovered that I had company.
We had a chat.
Nice bloke, he was studying to be a vet.

I decided that I ought to pop out on Neil's bike, since he had loaned it to me, it would have been rude not to.
It looked like rain, but I fancied a ride, and anyway I needed to get to Brampton to the Coop for some stuff.

That being the case, I headed off on the bike in the completely opposite direction.

No photos of this bit, so I will NOT bore you with the saga.
I did go into Brampton though.
Interesting place full as far as I could see of youth's with very little to do.

So I got my stuff and headed back.

BUT........... About 2 miles from the bunkhouse on the way back, it rained.

It was a Biblical deluge and so I arrived back moist, and muddy.

By now, there were a few campers outside cooking under the tree.
That had at least been their cunning plan.
Cunning without rain, but with rain foolhardy.

Eventually they came into the bunkhouse.
In fact 5 of them booked into the bunkhouse

It was that sort of rain.

We had a bloody fine evening of chat and banter and beer and stuff like that,
and then at about 11.30 we all went off to wash and bed (separate bunks), and to snore.
Not me of course

Because next day I had ****ing WORK.

I say work, but Neil is a great bloke, and working there is a lot of fun, and although we did a lot of stuff, it was a pleasure.

So, anyway, when I got back there were new different people in the bunkhouse.
They were also doing Hadrian's wall.
One chap had his dog Betty with him.
She was a brown lab, and extraordinarily well behaved, especially for a brown Lab.

I had a bit of a chat and then ...........


It was developing quite nicely now, into a nasty sneezy sniffle.
Just like that bastard on the train had.
I kept the sneezing to my tissues, and kept well away from people as much as I could.
I had an awful feeling that it was going to become a nasty cough.
I also though that maybe a long long run, and tonight a long, long bike ride might not have been the best idea.


I decided it was time for another bike ride
I mean KILL or CURE.

Remember last time I tried exercise as a cure.

I never learn


This one was scenic.
I did not need to go via Brampton to buy alcohol.
It looked a bit like rain, but I did not even bother with a waterproof

Well 'ARD?


I decided I would go via Lanacost Priory and also see if there was any cricket on.

Lanacost Priory in a moment of SUN

The old ruins of the gate

So, no maps again I went off via a route that went by the theory, that if you keep turning left most of the time you will arrive back at your start point.

It worked.

I got back, and

More beer and wine ensued, mainly by me, and then eventually, it was time for sleep.
Or in my case, finish up the work, which I did very quietly in my bunk using a small laptop.

I took pills and slept badly

Next day I got up and went off to WORK!

So by now my cold is getting worse.
I have become the man on the train.

I am sneezy and not yet wheezy.
Neils wife Kim has not been here all week.
She was ill all week and before I arrived.
Can a human get a virus from using someones computer?

Anyway, we get the work done, well almost and then it is time to go back home on the 16.46 from Brampton.

Neil drops me off.
All is good, train on time

Arrives at Newcastle only 2 min late where


Trains in chaos on the East Coast caused by weather.
I mean we never have Fucking weather, so it must have come as a shock.

We are delayed by (quite a while).

Eventually departing just after 18.00, which means all my connections are buggered.
The carriage is very crowded.
All reserved seats have been cancelled due to cancellations of trains.
I fight my way to a seat.

Yes, I know she was someones Grandmother, but I was bigger, so I got a seat.

The air conditioning was buggered, so we spent a long time on the way to Stevenage, overcrowded, hot, no drinks, and late.
Oh yes and we had to wait at Doncaster for 20 min due to no room on platform.
And then we had to go slow because of shit happening.

Some sort of sunspot, and unseasonal bollocks.

OK, so the long shot is, that I eventually get home about midnight.
Late, Hot, Bothered and feeling like Shit.
Cold is worse.
Still got stuff to finish

And, And , And ...................................................

So I spent most of the weekend in bed, feeling ill.
Cried off work on Monday (well worked at home).
Went to Dr to see if I had really managed to get another chest infection.

I Had!

Got some pills, but decided not to take them after all.

And that is it really.

Wednesday now, and feeling a lot better.

I like trains.

But to myself, not travelling with some Typhoid ridden Pinocchio.

On a PLUS NOTE....

Harriet and Lucy had a good race at the Race for Life last weekend

Lucy & Harriet - Cambridhe Race for Life 2012

And Olly had his leavers prom and went with Grace.
And they do look a stunning couple.

Olly & Grace - Bottisham Leavers Prom 2012

Next week, Olly is off to Canada on Rugby Tour for 2 weeks.
So, the fact that he has just gone to the Physio with a slight groin strain, is


And to finish on a down note... It is a groin strain, and it may or may not stop
him playing on tour, which is a bugger
and he is quite upset, but showing it as just being plain angry, as you do at 17.

So everything is just fine. NOT!

Just as well the rest of the world is in perfect harmony then :)

Enough of my life!

Craig Erickson - No Reply
(Seemed like an appropriate track)


  1. Ouch!
    It's over-rated this work mullarkey.
    Hopefully, I'll be poking around at Lannercost Priory in just a few weeks and hopefully with more than a moment of sunshine in which to do it.

  2. You should go and get a flu jab. It’s only about £15 at most. Or if you are above a certain age you can get it free. But i didn’t like to say that.
    Thankfully it doesn’t sound like proper man flu because you only had 1 day off instead of the preferred 2 weeks.

    Trains Ha. Love em.

    1. I get free Jabs Alan. (Not age yet)
      See below
      It was not really that bad.
      I'm just a wimp, and I like moaning :)

  3. What I admire about you, Andrew, is that, if you get a cold, or, if you get delayed on trains - you don't go on about it..................................................

  4. I have had the flu jab Alan.
    I get it because of my Asthma.
    That is why some colds hit me a bit harder.

    Gordon.... :-) I just like whinging. Ask Lucy.

    1. :-)

      I know what you mean, Andrew.

      Last Wednesday I went under the knife. It was a day op: in at 0730 for a morning op. General anesthetic and op at mid-day: - then stuck on a ward until 2045. I asked for a sandwich at 1400 and got one at 1900. I was told a Doctor would have to see me before I could go home. Then I was told that I could go home if I could eat something and keep it down. I had a sandwich that was 99% bread and 0.5% filling - but I had to eat it. I got home only to throw up just as Barbara was parking the car: most of it went on the drive. Now I sit here with my hand with a splint. The pain hasn't been too bad and it is my right hand which is just as well as I'm left handed so it hasn't been as bad as if it had been my left hand. I go to the Occ therapy person tomorrow, but my biggest fear is having the stitches out on Monday................. but, I won't go on about it. :-)

    2. Stitches are usually ok when coming out.
      I just get Lucy to take mine out.
      Could be worse, they may give you another sandwich.

    3. Wowza - What an ill bunch of bar stewards!

      I quite like trains, when you get them to yourself, that is. Other people mess them up.

      Sorry to hear about your poorliness Andy - and Gordon too. (What was up with your hand?)

    4. My poorliness is over.
      I am back out dog walking, running and cycling.
      The last one without the dog.

      Crowded trains. Dreadful things.

      Sleeper train, that's the way.

      But East Coast trains Air Con.
      Appears to be an issue.

    5. Good to see you've recovered, Andrew.

      Alan, I did think of your hand accident and the pain you must have been through. Despite my going on about it, mine was a common thing - Duputren's contracture. And, it was pain free..... but, I'm dreading having the 11+ stitches out on Monday....... but, I won't go on about it :-)

    6. but, I won't go on about it

      Go on.......
