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LOST HORIZONS ...............


Once upon a time, several months ago, when dog and I went for one of our usual strolls along Quy Water, all you could see was flatness, and East Anglian horizons.

Lot's of sky.

This was taken with the phone, so you do not really appreciate how big and close they feel
even though they are several miles away

OK, you can still see lots of sky, but now the progress??? on the Wind Turbine Monster
(it has bugger all to do with farming), has now marred the view.

These are not even close, these are several miles away, but now that there are 12 out of the 13 of the damned things up, you can finally see the magnitude of these subsidised monsters.
I lied, there are 13 of the buggers, one was hiding behind another one.
Guess which day I spotted them?

Friday 13th!

So, today dog and I went along Fleam Dyke (again), over the M11, to have a close look.

See how pretty they are on the horizon.
Just like being at the seaside.

There will be some daft bugger likes them.
What a wonderful view is now available from Fleam Dyke.
See how they dwarf the huge Pylons

See that tiny little grey building on the left.
That is a BLOODY great storage barn about 3 houses high.
Now you can see how big these are.

So, now they have 13 of them up, how long before they ask for more before the money runs out.
The land owner must be hating them all the way to the bank.

I suspect that the locals who thought it was OK, or just did nothing.
There is a loot of apathy with these things, might just be thinking.

"I didn't think they there that big". 

When in reality, they didn't think at all.

And these are not the big ones.

Still, soon like Scotland, much of East Anglia will be covered in these,
sub standard, over subsidised inferior quality turbine horrors.
Courtesy of poor policies, daft politicians, our taxes, overpriced energy bills,
and several foreign smug well off renewable energy companies.

In fact, down here, there is hardly any chance of a hill in the way either.

Sooner or later, the govt will figure out what a monument folly of poor science these things are.
And by then it will all be far far too late.

So, there you go, next generation, look what we did for you.

Lode is lovely and green though :)
And at least this is pretty

Whinge over!

Rain by Nora Jones Yes, I have used it before but by Patti Griffin


  1. All very sad.
    Mean wind speed in that area - about 6.5 m/s So, they won't be producing much energy then.

  2. Simply awful. They dominate anything and everything around them.
