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A Bit of a week at work in Walton - Part 2 of 3

Well, Friday was a BLOODY Long day, and another 7.00pm finish.
I managed to get some stuff from Tesco in Carlisle and so it was time for another shuffle around the neighbourhood to see what lay in the other direction.

Tomorrow I planned to walk along Hadrian's Wall East as far as I could get by midday, and then drop down to the valley for the return leg.

Typically again tonight I was going to not get back in daylight.

I headed off in the opposite direction to yesterday

The weather was rather nice and when I left the sun was still about, and the views rather fine.

Wandering Route Fri eve

I started out this time heading east along the road, and then over the river and up the hill the other side. It was quite a nice little run, and the midges were not too bad. On the other hand, they were not too good either.

I went out past Walton Mill and then up the road further.
By the right turn at the end, there was a small kennel by the side of the road with a sheepdog in it, and several cows wandering across the road.
There was also a signpost that said To the Breaks.
Seemed like a plan (not so as it turns out) and so I headed off West.
It did not look that boggy, and it had been quite dry

The cow was more sensible than me
BUT ...  It was that boggy.  Nay it was even boggier than that.

It may have looked firm underfoot, but when you put your foot onto some bits, knee deep and beyond, and I DO have the tee shirt.

By the time I had gone about 600m into it, and had rather wet feet, legs and almost other bits, I was beginning to realise the folly of my way, and why the cows were all over by the road.

At the red marker on the map above, I turned back and decided that MAYBE, the other way might prove to be less moist.

Also, it was getting a bit darker, and I was thinking BE SENSIBLE.

In fact it got dark quite quickly after that.
I headed down the track to Walton Rigg, and then wiggled across and down by the river, before cutting back into Walton.

Now, just a bit past the Pub which sadly is no longer a pub, you can see the path of Hadrian's Wall that goes back to the bunkhouse.

Yes, you can see it quite clearly can't you?

I did not spot this though, since I was looking elsewhere and just not concentrating.
And, that is why I carried all the way down the road to the track that goes up towards
Campboglana, and then up to Sandysike.

And that is why we should carry MAPS!

This was the very same track that I drove down on Thursday morning rather than going round the road.
Seemed like a good idea at the time.

And it is, if your car has ground clearance, and is a 4x4.
Mine is a little Mitsubishi Colt on silly lower profile tyres.
And this track is probably best avoided in such a vehicle.

How I managed it, I know not.
Probably just sheer luck.

Anyway, it was time by now to head back up to the bunkhouse, rustle up some food, finish off that bottle of wine, and get some kip.

I had a walk planned for the morning, weather permitting.

NOTE.. I have introduced vetting of Comments now, because I have advertisers posting.
              Sorry about that peeps.

Continuing the Bonzo's Theme


  1. Rangaloo.
    Kindly do not post advertising on my blog in future!

    1. FREE!

    2. You takin' the P*ss Sloman! eh?
      I'll be hiding that Sloe Gin I will.

      Well, maybe not. :)

    3. Ah...
      Forgot it would show my ID...
      The Sloe Gin is survival rations.. You can't deny the team members that... surely?
