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Well, that is NOT strictly true.

But is was summer like weather, and some of it was working days.
Rather lucky it was not this week I was going up or I might well be snowed in.

To expand.

Last week, I had the misfortune to work, but the good fortune to have to work near
Warwick Bridge on the edge of the Lake District.

I stayed at a bunkhouse at Sandysike in Walton, just by Hadians Wall.

OK, it was work, and I could have stayed in a hotel, because I was passing the bill on to the client, but they are jolly nice people and I was more than happy in a bunkhouse, so why over charge?
What goes around will eventually come around so everyone was more than happy.

The sitting area with fire

Bunk room

On the web site someone did complain that it was expensive.
I thought it had great character, and they made me very welcome, even though I was the only one there.
Gave me milk, and also made me the rather fine fire in the top photo.
Last week it was actually very pleasant, and although I did work some very long days, I still managed to get out for a run for at least an hour to an hours and a half each night.

I purposely did not do Hadrians Wall in the evenings, because I was hoping to leave that until the saturday, when I had finished (I say finished, but only for this visit) the work.
I had negotiated with Lucy, that it would be fine for me to come back on the Sat rather than the Friday, and my walk along Hadrians Wall (well, a bit of it), will apear in part 2.

The front of Sandysike House

The View from the house
I had packed the trusty NX10, but for running it was rather bulky, and so on the two evening runs, I just used the Galaxy S2 for the photo's.
It was getting a bit dark when I got back on the Thu evening, and as I did not get out until gone 7.00pm, I have had to Photoscape them a bit.

There is some very pretty countryside round here.
It is not as rugged as the Lakes obviously. More Eden Valley in its contours.
But for a boy up from the Fens, it is Alpine.

The river need House Wood

Looking over the hills on the way to the weir.
I shot this into the sun to give the silhouette effect

The small weir crossing the river on the way to Cambeck Hill

View one from Hadrian's Wall trail as the sun was setting

View 2 from the trail

Last one that night, it was getting a bit dark
By the time I got back, it was getting to be rather dark.
In fact it was nearing 8.45 to 9.00, and the last bit was pot luck with the tracks.
I did not have any maps, I was just guessing.
So there are no pictures of the Roman Camp.
To be honest there is not much to see.

I was getting a bit tired by now anyway, so I stuck a few more logs on the fire, and found a book on the shelf to read.
Cracked a bottle of wine (I have been quite tee-total recently), so after a couple of glasses, I was feeling quite light headed, and I had to be back in Warwick Bridge for 8.30 the next morning, so it was definitely time for some shut eye.


More to follow ....................................

I thought this fitted rather nicely :)


  1. You did well with your route considering no map and getting dark.
    The Galaxy camera isn’t bad either.

  2. The Galaxy has an 8 Mp camera.
    It has a bit of adjustment, but zoom is of course only digital.
    In nornal daylight it is goood, but at dusk you do need to play with contrast, and a bit of colour depth when you get it back.
    I use Photoscape because it is a free download.

    The Sat pics will be the Nx10.

    1. Oh God...
      I have this horribly greasy feeling that you are going to be super-fit by the time we get to Morar.
      My only hope now rests with WeeWillyWilky. Let's hope he doesn't take the dog out too often, or I'll be Tail-end Charley.

    2. Last year along Loch Morar, you said you were unfit and then vanished into the horizon like a gazelle.
      I will wait to observe your fitness sir.

      Anyway, I got back from Cumbria to discover that everyone here has yet another bloody cold. :(
      I am considering sleeping in my tent in the garden. :)
